Facts about sleep - Wellness and Beauty

Facts about sleep

 Getting apprehensive about your current sleeping habits, can’t sleep? 

It means that you are passing through a struggling period where you don’t get adequate sleep or might be facing chronic sleeps. 

This is a sleep disorder that is called insomnia. According to the Cleveland Clinic, “about half of the adult populace passes through this phase, among which 1 out of every 10 experiences this disorder on a regular basis.” So if you are facing these problems, you might have attempted the normal tried and tested rules like, go to bed at regular time, don’t exercise late at night, don’t have too much caffeine especially late at night, keep your room at pleasant temperature, make sure your bed, pillows, bed sheets are comfortable. These are some of the rules tried incessantly, so it’s time to experiment with something new and different that can help you get more rest.

Set a Bedtime Alert: You might be using the same old tactic of setting an alarm for waking up early in the morning. But, try out new technique of setting a bedtime alarm, sleep expert Michael Breus, author of Beauty Sleep: Look Younger, Lose Weight, and Feel Great through Better Sleep, propounds this. It works as a reminder where you can wind-up with your daily activities. Dr. Breus who is also a spokesperson for the Zeo Personal Sleep Coach, suggests that the first 20 minutes of that hour you should complete your routine chores like washing the utensils, the following 20 minutes take care of your hygiene habits like bathing or brushing, and the concluding 20 minutes give your body relaxation by the way of reading a book, watching T.V., but remember you have to do it until it doesn’t turns exciting and even take deep breaths.

Don’t Clear Your Mind: Experts believe that depression and anxiety are the root cause of sleep disorder. The part of problem is that we just cannot keep quiet about our worries and endlessly think about them, which actually makes one anxious and uneasy. So, it’s better to clear up the mind by discussing your problems with others. See, if this is not possible, don’t force yourself to utilize this option, by exhorting this, may be you could even worsen your condition.Paul McKenna, suggests an alternative option, “try slowing down your thoughts by the means of uttering anything or everything in a slow, monotonous, drowsy tone.” This will obviously not charge you a penny neither exhaust energy out of you. The best way is engage yourself in a conversation with yourself, start talking about tomorrow’s plans i.e. what grocery you will buy tomorrow, what you will speak in your presentations. If you try out positive things in a normal manner, you will find that worrying is so difficult and so is staying awake.

Count Numbers—Not Sheep: Dr. Breus recommends another way to solace yourself from distressing thoughts, he advises to count backward from 300 by 3’s. This will distract your agonizing thoughts when you try focusing on numbers, unless and until you are an intellectual mathematician. You will successfully feel lethargic after such a big mind-boggling puzzle.

Get Up a Half-Hour Earlier: Yes, you have read that right and don’t get dubious; I am still giving tips on attaining effective sleep. Dr. McKenna propounds, “Get up half an hour early”, i.e. if you have a habit of waking up at 7 in the morning, instead wake up at 6.30, no matter at what time you went to sleep the last night. I know its difficult and may be even you will catch bed after getting up, but don’t do that, at least give it a hit, this might turn the most effective way of gaining sleep. As a result, your body will fall snoozing to compensate the lost sleep of the morning and you will fall asleep early.
Consider Seeing a Professional: Joseph Ojile, MD, founder of the Clayton Sleep Institute in St. Louis and a spokesman for the National Sleep Foundation suggests consulting a sleep psychologist. Found at the sleep centers, they specialize in these matters. They gather information about your emotions and behaviors relating to sleep and are well acquainted with there remedies. They can resolve your sleep disorders in just five to six visits.

Don’t Worry If You Can’t Sleep Right Away: After you get to your bed, do you pass on to another world, if this tendency takes place regularly with you, then this connotes that you are sleep-deprived. Dr. Breus says, normally it should take 15 to 25 minutes after you lie to sleep until you reach a dead world.

Go to Bed When You’re Tired: If you are not getting sleep and it is almost midnight and you don’t have much time to rest in bed, don’t think about that. Don’t pressurize your body, to be fast asleep, this will not help you in anyway, this will only lead you to twist and turn your body. Dr. Ojile suggests, instead you get engaged in some relaxation activities and after you get tired, then only pass onto your bed. This will make you fast asleep and might be another day you will fall to your bed because you were exhausted the last day.
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