Heart disease - Wellness and Beauty

Heart disease

Heart disease has become a major health problem in the US today. 

Our sedentary work styles with more of comfort lifestyles and kind of fatty foods we gorge on places most of us at serious risk of developing heart disease at some point in our lifetimes. With so much of advancement of technology bringing us to luxury and comfort we are forgetting the effectiveness of perspiring, sweating and working out. With advent of these high technology we have become more succumbed to disease especially heart disease.

A full body check up when indicates risk of developing heart disease is higher, or if your cholesterol is higher, or your family has history of heart disease its time you get more concerned for your health and well being. Heart disease are not supposed to be taken lightly, not for your spouse, kids, friends and most important for you.

Current health related articles have been emphasizing on measures that you can take to help control your heart disease risk factors. You really need to make efforts to take these current health articles tips given so that you can reduce your risk of heart disease by a large margin:
Here are 4 everyday life tips for a healthy heart:

Cholesterol check up:

Regular doctor check up of your cholesterol level regularly. Also if LDL cholesterol level is too high, then you should be on a special diet, and follow the doctor’s prescribed medications and recommended exercise routine. Following this is important to lower your cholesterol and for reducing your risk of heart disease.


Being regular about exercising and also about the duration for at least 30 minutes, three or more times per week. Doing cardiovascular exercise helps to strengthen the heart and also lowers the risk for heart disease. And also keeps you refresh, rejuvenated and fit.

Quit Addiction of alcohol and smoking:

Limiting to completely quitting alcohol consumption and definitely not smoking are first-rated ways to help keep your heart and lungs healthy. Heart disease is aggravated by smoking and heart disease is observed much more likely in smokers than in those who refuse to "kick the habit".


If you're overweight, lose it! See a dietician or doctors for help if you need it. Fats blocks the arteries and can make things pretty severe. So while you're there for check up, get a complete check-up and follow it up with regular checkups after that. People who are obese are at an extremely elevated risk of heart disease and not only this obesity is a host of other health problems.
Most important is taking care of your health yourself. Your spouse and other family members are not responsible,  risk of heart disease isn't something that you can safely ignore! One of the main causes of the premature loss of many thousands each year. Simple steps like these can help you maintain a healthy heart!

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