Smoking cessation for health - Wellness and Beauty

Smoking cessation for health

The myriad of benefits one gains from abandoning smoking spreads a positive influence on all spheres of life right from health, monetary and the self-belief that could propel one to quit and stay sober. 

In just twenty minutes of relinquishing smoking the healing process commences.
Perks for you?

Kin members, pals, co-workers and associates that do not fag would also benefit when the person refrains from smoking. Here’s how beneficial it would turn out to be in due course of time.
Within the first 20 minutes after stopping smoking, there is normalisation of both pulse and blood pressure.

In 8 hours subsequent to quitting, levels of nicotine and carbon monoxide in the blood plummet to half and levels of oxygen are reinstated.

Twenty-four hours subsequent to quitting, all carbon monoxide present in the body is purged out and lungs begin clearing out mucous and other smoking remnants.
In two days after quitting, all remaining nicotine from the body is cleared out and there is greater improvement in the sense of taste and smell.

Three days subsequent to stopping, one could experience greater ease during breathing. There is immense respite felt in the bronchial tubes and there is definite surge in energy levels.
There is improvement in circulation in two to twelve weeks after quitting.
In three to nine months the lung functioning capacity improves by nearly ten percent with marked reduction in coughing, gasping and breathing distress.

Staying sober for five years would cut heart attack risk to nearly half as compared to that faced by a smoker.

A decade of staying smoke-free would lower the risk of lung cancer to nearly half as compared to that of a smoker. The risk of heart attack dips to the analogous levels of one who has never indulged in smoking.

Supplementary Boons gained from Quitting Smoking

Augmented self-belief

Desisting from smoking is a dare though a tough nut to crack - however once this hurdle has been overcome, one would gather immense buoyancy and knowledge that one could garner similar success at doing complex tasks, thus gaining greater control over life. Giving up smoking would help one in believing in oneself.

Enhanced fitness levels

Smoking tends to make exercising quite an arduous task and lessens its benefits to one’s body. Recurrent cough, cold and other respiratory tract infections are often observed to inflict smokers and these individuals take prolonged periods of time for recovery.

Monetary Gains

Kicking the habit would be just like getting a salary hike as nearly fifteen hundred pounds annually get saved in case one were daily smoking twenty cigarettes.


Smoking robs the skin of crucial oxygen making it dull, lifeless and aged. Fine lines soon start appearing in the region about the eyes and the mouth and tar depositions on the surface of the teeth and the fingers.

Infertility issues

Smoking is known to mar the blood vessels present in the penis leading to impotency and a major bearing on the quality and density of the sperm. Lowered sperm production and anomalies present in those that are produced are other grave damages caused by smoking.
Women indulging in smoking had difficulty in conception taking longer times and were more prone to having a miscarriage.

Birthing Issues

Pregnant mothers that indulged in smoking were more prone to giving birth untimely, having still births or die soon after delivery. A baby that has tobacco exposure is at heightened risk of facing fatalities due to cot death.


Infants who had parents indulging in smoking were more prone to developing pneumonia and bronchitis during their foremost year of their life, likely to face recurrent and intense asthmatic attacks and more likely to turn habitual smokers themselves too.
Cigarette smoking almost instantly makes you develop a substance dependency that is extremely tough to kick.

Let’s talk about the power of your daily choices and how they affect your health. While the occasional Krispy Kreme donut won’t ruin your life, chronic bad habits can add up to life-altering ailments.

Modern medicine has largely reduced mortality associated with infectious diseases such as influenza, pneumonia, and tuberculosis over the past century. Today, diseases caused by individual lifestyle choices are the leading causes of death in the United States.

The top three bad habits are 1) tobacco use, 2) excessive alcohol consumption, and 3) poor diet and inactivity.

These three bad habits (and leading causes of death) are all within the realm of the lifestyle you choose to live - things that you can control.

If you choose to smoke or to use tobacco products, you also choose to increase your risk of lung cancer, respiratory infections and heart disease. Decide not to smoke and increase your life span and decrease your risk of developing these diseases. A recent British study concluded that the average life of a smoker is 10 years shorter than that of a non-smoker.

While studies have shown that by drinking moderately, you have better health and you will live longer than those who abstain or drink heavily, choose to abuse alcohol and you also choose to increase your risk of liver disease, cancer, and high blood pressure.

Choose to eat poorly and to be inactive and you also choose to increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. Choose to eat a healthy diet and exercise and you also get the following benefits:
  • Stronger heart and lungs and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Stronger muscles and bones and a reduced risk for osteoporosis
  • Reduce your risk of developing diabetes
  • Achieve and maintain a healthy weight  more easily
  • Reduce your risk for certain types of cancer
  • Ease depression and manage stress better
  • Sleep better
  • Have more energy
You are responsible for and must live with the consequences of the daily choices in your life.  It’s never too late to choose a healthy lifestyle and reap the associated benefits. Start today. Make smart choices and exercise - for yourself and all the people who love you and depend on you.
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