What is stress? - Wellness and Beauty

What is stress?

Are you wondering what stress is?  Let's think about it.

Hey people out there….. Are you reading this, let’s check out what disturbs you the most whether losing a job or a mess that seems like a dumping bin? Whether squabble with your friend or an unreliable friend? Out of these if you choose mess that seems to you just like a dumping bin and an unreliable friend, than you are facing some thing that is very harmful to your health i.e. stress.
Most of us share our problems with other friends or the one who shares an intimate relationship with us. They consolidate us by saying that this is what life is and you have to accept smilingly whatever comes to your way. But behind this solace, do you recognize that there is hidden a major bitter truth that these stress are of potentially inimical nature.

James Ehrlich, MD, clinical associate professor of endocrinology at the University of Colorado, Denver, has suggested that there are few people who take the little stressors of day-to-day life more seriously. Ultimately those little stressors tend to deteriorate there health over the long term rather than the really big things like a death in the family or a car accident.
Today almost one out of two live under the pressure of stress; they feel tramped by the heavy workload, hectic schedules, time management and many such other problems. Why does it happen? The answer to this is none other than the stress hormones. They are a part of our body and their motive is to get us through heartrending situations. The constant release of the steroids like adrenaline and cortisol give way to fatal diseases like diabetes, heart disease, depression and cancer. Not only these, they also influence our normal routine habits and ultimately cause a major brunt like undersleeping and overeating. Therefore, rather than inviting them and leave them to sprout inside you, it’s the time to confront them boldly, change them, move them towards the calm. Below presenting are 10 radical thoughts that will help throw them out of your life.
People Who Say Yes When They Mean No:You may have your social companions who might always positively respond to your appeals, but when the time comes to turn them into reality, they quit at the eleventh hour by rendering some of the most foolish excuses like I got late, I had an urgent work, I will catch with you some other time. These same people can actually turn into great fun and even are dependable.

Research has concluded that ambiguous relationships where prediction doesn’t help you out and things are jumbled to come up with tentative answers, in a case where you are not sure whether things will come to your way or move to either ways. “Such cases can take a greater toll on you than a relationship with someone you consciously dislike,” shares Elizabeth Scott, stress management guide for About.com.

Stress Buster:
From now onwards, if you ask any of your mates to do something, offer them with an alternative option of “NO”, so that if he doesn’t desire to come, he can use it right then. Actually the core idea behind this is not to be self- protective but accepting what is actually lying in one’s mind. For instance if arriving late at a movie drives you crazy, then communally decide between yourself a time that will suit to both of your schedule, so that you arrive at that point of time without any hasty.
Rude Encounters of the Sales Kind:Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD, a clinical psychologist and author of the upcoming book “A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness” says that human beings takes gloomy or negative encounters as a personal attack. For instance, if one day you get into a shop for buying a pair of shoes and the sales person over there is not helping you or even not acknowledging you. And over this that person even does not reacts to your humble request of putting the receipt into the bag, these signs of disrespect irk you to the utmost levels and in reply you retaliate or if not this you will feel bad about yourself and walk away getting depressed.

Stress Buster:
Instead of embroiling yourself, try to be kind and confident. Ask the salesperson if you have done anything that has hurt her, might be she will apologize for her rude behaviour and even explain what has upset her so badly like being treated badly by an egoistic customer before your arrival.
Does Anyone Else See the Mess?
Alice Domar, PhD, executive director of the Domar Center for Mind/Body Health in Waltham, Massachusetts discloses, “A research conducted on man’s brain has revealed that man’s brain detects less sensory details compared to women.” They even don’t see or feel mess as women do. So, women’s priority of cleaning disorderly things does not matter men. It’s crushed by them and even kids love to play around cluster of things, so ultimately the room turns out to be messy affair because of their innocence. Ultimately, this leaves you in a clean initiative and you have to clear up the mess all alone.

Stress Buster:
Don’t let them go through any loopholes. Hold a family meeting and clarify everyone with the clean-up fact. Every day set timers of 5-10 minutes wherein everyone will pick there own mess. And when it comes to deal with younger kids for a clean-up affair, make it look fun, clean up things after indulging them into some kiddies’ incentives like watching a movie together or giving a chocolate treat.

If You Need Help, Please Press 1!:
This is the worst nightmare for anyone, the automated customer assistance service. I know that you don’t have to deal with such things regularly but periodic experiences with them can leave you frustrated for a long-term period. Walt Tetschner, Get2Human.com consumer advocate shares with us, “These systems were designed to save companies money, but they often take too long to get to a person, are illogically designed and end up losing customers who get angry and impatient.”

Stress Buster:
For getting connected to any person, go to Get2Human.com, see whether the company you have been searching for has been listed in that website. After getting it, connect to the links and seek how you can reach a person immediately. For other companies, call the main number and then press 0 after the voice starts. You may have to press it several times, says Tetschner.
Can I Get a Little Quiet?

I totally approve the point that one needs sometime for there own selves. This is essential because everyone needs calmness and serenity to alleviate stressed feelings. And also as Meghan McDonough, author of the upcoming book A Minute for Me rightly says, “Everyone needs some time without noise and demands, to recharge there batteries, wherever your attention is focused is where your energy will flow. A little solitude can redirect it back to you.” So recharge yourself within a free space.

Stress Buster:
For getting peace, step in a solitary, the best place for this on the entire earth is the bathroom. Stand beneath the shower, not only does water has healing properties but also it acts as a noise muffler. This is the perfect calm time to de-stress yourself until you do not chew over the day’s activities.
Further, in the following part, catch up what are the other five surprising factors that provoke stress and get to know some perfect stress busters that will help you disentangle from the barbed fences of stress.
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