A few tips on how to deceive the body and make him drop more kilograms. - Wellness and Beauty

A few tips on how to deceive the body and make him drop more kilograms.

 If the diet starts to bother or stops producing the desired results - it's time to change something in it.  A few tips will help you to cheer up and ease the discomfort of a new power system.

 Tip number 1. Counting calories

 One of the most effective weight loss systems is calorie counting.  If you enter the regime and “eat up” 1,200 calories a day, then at some point you will notice that the body gives less and less kilograms every month.  The thing is that he got used to such a power system, and this is already his usual mode - because all the processes for losing weight have stopped.  And in this case, you take?  Of course, no matter how difficult you might be, reduce even more the use of daily energy intake, and you will eat 1,000 calories per day.  Weight crawl down again.  But the trick is that after some time the body will get used to such a regime.  How low you would not lower the bar on nutrition, it will get used to this mode again and again, and each time losing weight at some point will stop.

 What to do in this case?  To lose weight was stable, you need to alternate fasting days with the "boot".  That is, one day consume 1200 calories, and the other - 1 400. And so the day after day.  Then the body will be in constant working condition, which means - regular weight loss is guaranteed.

 Council number 2.  Use porridge

 In the description of many diets, you can meet the advice to eat more apples or oranges.  There is a small “but” - these fruits contain a lot of acid, which very soon after consumption begins to irritate the gastric mucosa, and you will soon want to eat again.  Therefore, instead of these products, it is better to eat a plate of buckwheat, corn porridge or rice.  The number of calories in it is the same as in two apples or oranges, but it will be digested for a long time.  So you will feel a long time saturation in the stomach.

 Council number 3.  Eat Citrus

 Do not forget about oranges.  On what diet you would not sit, before going to bed it is very useful to eat an orange or a grapefruit.  That same acid in these fruits, about which we spoke earlier, will improve digestion.  And since it will happen before you go to sleep, you will not be tempted to eat something "after".

 Council number 4.  Use spices

 One of the misconceptions is that many advise not to use spices when dieting.  They say that they provoke hunger, and I want to eat again and again.  But everything is exactly the opposite.  Dishes, richly seasoned with spices, contribute to the process of losing weight, because  they irritate the gastric mucosa and make the alimentary canal work more actively.  And, accordingly, the calories are burned more actively.

 Council number 5.  Products with a "minus calorie"

 Pay attention to foods with a "minus calorie."  What it is?  These are foods that digestion takes more calories than they contain.  These are: cucumbers, carrots, green peas, pumpkin, almost all leafy greens.

 Council number 6.  Brushing teeth

 But the most famous and at the same time - an effective way: you need to brush your teeth if you feel hunger.  After all, we brush our teeth, as a rule, after eating.  Accordingly, after each cleansing, the brain receives a signal that the stomach is already full.  That is why it is so possible once again to deceive the body, while not consuming the extra calories.

 It's no secret that there are products, the mere regular use of which will provide you with a couple of off the extra kilos.  These are so-called fat burners, such as the well-known pineapple, grapefruit, seaweed, kefir, etc. But few people know that among these wonderful products there are spices that have a beneficial effect on the body.

 Fat-burning products.What to eat to lose weight?  Eating certain vegetables and fruits that have a positive effect on metabolism is one of the most important, perhaps, components of a proper (healthy!) Program of weight loss.  The Internet is replete with lists of products that are indispensable in the diet of those who are not averse to lose weight.  Naturally, uncontrolled eating only fat-burning foods can have the opposite effect and even harm health.  Therefore, in all things one should observe the principles of rationality, so to speak, of the “golden mean”.

 If there are health problems, then you should be especially careful about the introduction of some products from the list of “slimming helpers” into the diet.  Proper nutrition in general, in combination with moderate consumption of fat-burning products and physical activity - this is the key to excellent well-being and slim figure.

 Many people incorrectly believe that proper nutrition and “healthy” food is fresh, tasteless, and practically inedible.  It is here that miraculous spices and seasonings come to the rescue, which will not only transform the taste of “tasteless healthy dishes”, but also trigger the metabolism and the weight loss process as a whole.  Pay attention, here we are talking about natural spices, and not a variety of mixtures, which in addition to the benefits, also contain harm in the form of preservatives, flavor enhancers and the like.
 What spices paved the road to harmony?  The record among the products-assistants in the struggle for harmony can be called cinnamon.

  It improves the metabolism of carbohydrates, which undoubtedly has a beneficial effect on the whole process of digestion.  In addition, eating cinnamon (of course, we are not talking about buns with cinnamon) reduces appetite.  Mint and ginger have a similar effect.  The latter, by the way, will also help in confronting colds (just a miracle, not a product).  In addition, these spices can complement each other, both in taste and in positive effects on the body.  Also accelerate metabolism, metabolism and improve the digestive process (and of course, improve the taste of dishes) such spices as black pepper, mustard (seeds), horseradish.  And turmeric, which is so loved by cooks for its ability to transform the taste of many foods, does not allow fats derived from hearty dishes to be absorbed and “laid on the sides.”

 Spices such as cardamom and rosemary will help to digest heavy meals.  In general, there are a lot of spices that can be a great help in an unequal fight with excess weight.  It is also worth noting that there are seasonings that combine a lot of natural spices.  Due to the interaction, they enhance the positive effect of each other several times.  Such seasonings can be easily attributed to curry, which includes a mixture of black and red pepper, and cinnamon with ginger.  And besides, no less useful turmeric, cardamom, cloves, coriander, etc.
 The addition of such seasonings with delicious, but “harmful” dishes, at least slightly, to some extent neutralizes the harm caused by all the calories that are present in it.

 What else are good spices in the fight against obesity?  By the way, it is useful to mention that spices are unique products with many-sided benefits.  Their positive effects on the body is not limited to "the activation of weight loss."  So, for example, it was previously noted that helping to shed those extra pounds of cinnamon and ginger also improves the immune system.

 Chili also lowers blood glucose, coriander improves mood, bay leaf improves the nervous system and the like.

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 With love,
 Your Evelyn Cooper

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