Main rules in losing weight. - Wellness and Beauty

Main rules in losing weight.

Why weight after diets returns, how to avoid it, having prepared the ground for comfortable and, most importantly, guaranteed weight loss with a lasting result?  

During the diet we are helped by willpower and high motivation, the mood for the result.  But the body endures a long-term restriction in nutrition, which is why most diets are designed for one or two weeks; they cannot survive for longer.

 Yes, the weight goes away, but after the end of the diet, we begin to eat as before, and even more densely, so the dropped kilograms return, along with the question "how to lose weight?"  To avoid the effect of the yo-yo, do not rush to go on a diet, start with the implementation of the three rules.  They must always be observed, but do not be alarmed, it is not at all scary and no deprivation threatens.

 The first rule concerns nutrition.  

Set a comfortable meal schedule for yourself.  Ideally - 3 or 4 meals.  Breakfast, lunch, dinner and one snack, which can be arranged at a convenient time.  Someone does not fall asleep without a snack before bedtime, but for others you need a snack.  The main thing - to choose a convenient, suitable to the lifestyle schedule and follow it.  No snacking between meals, food on schedule.  Remember the children's camps, where food is strictly on schedule and the children are full.  At first, it will be difficult to comply with this food rule, but after a week the body will get used to the schedule and the feeling of hunger will appear by a certain hour.  How it works?  You can withstand any diet, as you will clearly know - breakfast at 8:00, lunch at 13:00, then snack at 16:00 and dinner at 20:00.  Yes, the diet is not particularly run away, but it is psychologically easier to wait for dinner at 13:00, than to constantly think about food and fight the temptation to eat early.  After the end of the diet regime will help avoid overeating.  Eat anything during the meal, but then no snacking until next time.

 Movement is life.

 Rule two concerns motor activity.  No, there will be no call to sign up in the gym or run in the morning, you just need to add normal household physical activity to your daily routine.  Daily walk 30 minutes - an hour.  At a quiet pace, through the park, the forest, just around the city.  Go on foot, where you can go, and not go by car.  In the face of rising gas prices, thanks to this habit, you also save some amount of money.  If you have a sitting job, get up every hour and move for 5 minutes.  Go somewhere, do something active.  Changing the type of activity is also useful for improving performance.  You can start playing sports, but here you need to understand the pattern: Energy costs increase - appetite grows.

 While sporting activities are present, the calories are burned and the weight decreases even with abundant nutrition, but when the sport goes away, the appetite remains, but the needs of the body are significantly reduced.  Therefore, sport should be constantly.  If you are not ready for this yet, start with walks and increase in household activity.  How it works?  More movement - more energy.  Since the movements are normal - walks, household chores, movements around the office, there will be no internal resistance (as is the case with workouts), the body will gradually get used to moving more.

 Healthy sleep - easy weight loss.

 Everything is simple here - if the body does not get enough sleep regularly, then the stress mode is activated.  They do not give me a rest, it means that there is a danger near you, you need to concentrate, suddenly you will have to do without food and rest for a long time - we will save resources and reduce metabolism.  Something like this "thinks" the brain, giving the appropriate signals to the production of hormones.  According to biological rhythms, sleep from 11 pm to 6 am is the most important.  It is at this time that the adrenal glands work, producing cortisol, a hormone that regulates carbohydrate metabolism.  No healthy sleep - no high morning cortisol.  How it works?  During a night's sleep, the adrenal glands will work so that the level of cortisol is high in the morning, then the food will be digested, and not stored in reserve.  All you need to do is go to bed early.  About a month will be required to fix the three rules.  During this time, you will form a "base" - the basis of a healthy lifestyle, on which further weight loss will be based.  And already in the process of working out new habits a few extra pounds will leave you irretrievably.

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