In fact, I do not even know what to call this dish.  

This is not a cake, and not a dumpling, and certainly not an omelet.  This is a very tasty, unusual healthy breakfast, let it be called diet fried "dumpling" with apricots and bananas.  This is a great breakfast for both adults and children - hearty, nutritious, sweet and tasty.

 Ingredients (for 2-4 servings):
 Apricots: 4-5 small
 Banana: 1 pc.
 Egg: 2 pcs.
 Soft cottage cheese 0%: 70 g.
 Milk 0.5%: 50-60 ml.
 Rice flour: 60 g.
 Flour / wheat flour: 40 g.
 Stevia: to taste
 Salt: Pinch
 Olive oil: for lubrication

 Recipe diet fried "dumplings" with apricots and bananas:
 Cut apricots into large pieces, remove bones, sprinkle a little stevia.  Banana cut into slices, mix with apricots.
 Separate the whites from the yolks.  Squirrels beat in a strong foam with a pinch of salt.
 Mix the yolks with flour, soft cottage cheese, add stevia and milk to make the dough like very thick sour cream.
 Add whipped whites to the dough and mix gently with a spatula upwards.
 Grease the pan with a drop of olive (or any other) oil and heat it up strongly.  Pour half of the dough in a frying pan, wait a few seconds, and then put half of the apricots with a banana on one side of the dough.  When the dough grabs the bottom well, carefully wrap the free half of the apricot dough and allow the bottom to roast for 30 seconds.  Then gently turn the "dumpling" on the other side and fry until rosy color.
 Similarly, prepare the second "dumpling".
 Serve hot.  You can pour honey or sweet sauce.

Calories - 136 kcal. / Protein - 7g. / Fat - 3g. / Carbohydrates - 22g.

 Enjoy your meal!

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