Cardio to burn fat - Wellness and Beauty

Cardio to burn fat

Your abdomen is made up of the Rectus abdominis, internal oblique, external oblique and transverse abdominis. The function of the oblique muscle is for spine flexion, rotation, and lateral flexion. The rectus abdominis is a key postural muscle. It is responsible for flexing the lumbar spine, as when doing a 'sit-up'.

Most people just do crunches. These mainly focus on the Rectus abdominal. Therefore, if you are trying to work your love handles, crunches will not do the job. Your oblique (love handles) is targeted when you perform twisting or reaching movements. Twisting is also important for the rotation of the spine. In day-to-day activity, you rotate the hips in countless number of times when reaching. Therefore, not only does your physique benefit when you work your love handles, but your body function and body mechanics improve. This decreases the risk of getting injured.
Working your oblique also improves your strength when performing exercises like squats and dead lifts.

Cardio should be done 3-6 times a week to burn fat. Be sure to pace yourself. Ideally, you want to do at least 30 minutes of cardio. If you cannot do 30 minutes at one day, then do two sessions of 15 minutes. Try to perform various cardio activities that you enjoy. You might not always like working out but visualize yourself and how you want to look. Stay motivated to get to where you want to be. Ask your friends to keep you on track.
Dieting and the love handles
Eating properly will make a great difference in improving the look of your love handles. If you are trying to lose your love handles, or maintain a fit waist, there are a few key things in your diet to look out for:

  • Hydrogenated oils
  • Vegetable oils
  • White bread
  • Sugar
  • Creamy sauces

During the first two months of the off-season, I have to be cautious of what I eat. The love handle is the main place where my body stores fat. I try to be mindful and not go crazy with the breads and pastas. My favorite breakfast is pancakes. Therefore, this definitely adds a few inches to my love handles during the off-season.

  • Activities in which you use your oblique
  • Reaching in a cabinet
  • Opening doors
  • Opening file cabinets
  • Carrying groceries
  • Shopping in the supermarket
  • Cleaning your car
  • Lifting babies
  • Exercises for your love handles
  • Seated Twist
  • Planks
  • Bicycle Exercise
  • Oblique Crunches
  • Side Planks

Do you want to lose weight? Maybe enough to wait for Monday? Time to act now!" My book will reveal the secrets of exercise for both the home and the gym, with which you will develop your muscles and burn subcutaneous fat without injuring your body. Start right now, click on the link and buy my book "The Secret of Love with Your Body", and start changing your life for the better!

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